How a General Dentist Can Help Prevent Cavities

A general dentist spends a significant portion of their time performing preventative treatments like teeth cleanings that help prevent cavities. Cavities are the leading cause of dental visits. They are caused by the acids bacteria that live in the mouth excrete after consuming sugars. These acids eat away at teeth, eventually forming tiny holes in their structures called cavities.

Cavities are easy and affordable to treat, but they do not go away on their own. Left untreated, a cavity will continue to expand until it damages the pulp chamber and leaves the soft tissues inside exposed to bacteria that cause infection. At that point, treatments like root canals are needed to fix the tooth.

Bacteria in the mouth form a sticky film called plaque that houses them. From there, they consume sugars and excrete teeth-damaging acids. Plaque can be removed by brushing and flossing, but it hardens into tartar when left on teeth for more than a day. Tartar is too hard to be removed with the bristles of a toothbrush or dental floss. A metal tool called a scaler is the standard way to get rid of it.

The different ways a general dentist helps prevent cavities

Some of the ways dentists help to keep their patients’ teeth decay-free include:

1. Providing education on dental hygiene

Oral hygiene goes a long way in helping to prevent cavities, and it does not cost much. A general dentist protects their patients’ teeth from cavities by educating them on how to properly take care of their teeth and gums. Little things like brushing twice a day, especially before going to bed, go a long way to protect teeth against decay.

The patient’s education also includes learning how to properly floss their teeth. General dentists usually recommend flossing at least once a week. Many people with good brushing habits still end up with cavities because they do not clean the spaces between their teeth regularly.

Dentists also educate patients about foods and beverages that make their teeth more vulnerable to decay like sticky candies, sugary beverages, and highly acidic juices.

2. Teeth cleanings

Regular teeth cleanings are almost as important as good oral hygiene. Regardless of how well you take care of your mouth, tartar deposits will form on your teeth. This gives oral bacteria a safe place to attack teeth from. All the brushing and flossing in the world will not get rid of tartar deposits on teeth.

General dentists generally recommend biannual trips to the clinic to get teeth cleaned. During these visits, tartar deposits are removed from teeth surfaces with a scaler. These treatments protect against decay and get rid of most types of surface stains on teeth.

3. Fluoride treatments

These are used to re-mineralize teeth and protect them against decay. The procedure is typically performed during routine visits for patients who are vulnerable to decay. It only takes a few minutes, it is affordable, and it protects teeth from decay for up to six months.

4. Dental sealants

These are used to protect teeth that are vulnerable to decay by coating their biting surfaces with a layer of composite resin. This prevents acids in the mouth from making contact with the treated teeth. Sealants are typically recommended for the molars of children since they often find it challenging to clean them properly. They can be used by patients of all ages and protect teeth from decay for years.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: General Dentist in Nashua, NH

Tooth decay is preventable

Regular visits to a dentist ensure you get the right preventative treatments to protect your teeth against decay. Call or stop by our Nashua clinic to set up an appointment.

Request an appointment or call Landmark Dental Care at 603-882-7312 for an appointment in our Nashua office.

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